26 February 2009

if it smells like a chicken, and tastes like a chicken

it's a well-known fact that african americans LOVE watermelon! well actually, not really any of the ones i know. hmmm, now that i really think about it, we can pretty much take it or leave it.

but apparently since the conventional wisdom suggests watermelon is like crack to black folks, the mayor of los alamitos, california sent around an email with a picture of the white house lawn converted into a watermelon patch. the title of the illustration was "no easter egg hunt this year". now before you protest, the mayor claims it was all in good fun!

[Mayor Dean] Grose confirmed to the AP that he sent the e-mail to [Local businesswoman and city volunteer Keyanus] Price and said he didn't mean to offend her. He said he was unaware of the racial stereotype that black people like watermelons.

wait, unaware! now i'm just confused. if it wasn't meant to be funny in that horrifically distorted racial way, than where's the joke? no seriously. i have to plead ignorance on this. i just don't see the email forwarding value in this unless it's meant to be offensively amusing to your racist friends.

i'm just trying to understand this crazy world of ours...

UPDATE: turns out mayor grose resigned his post after the furor following the email fiasco. he'll remain on the los alamitos city council (if anyone cares).

UPDATE 2: so it's over for dean grose. he's now resigned the council seat as well.

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