20 February 2009

come along and ride on a fantastic voyage

Humanity. It's a beautiful thing.

I'd love to believe there's a universal thread that runs through all of us and that on a very deep level, there's quite a lot that we all have in common.

But damned if we're not so fixated on our divisions. Especially ones along the lines of ... hmmm, RACE.

Generally a contentious subject (and I'm sure the heated debate on such issues isn't completely misplaced), I aim to look at the "lighter" (no pun intended) side of race and point out the absurdities, contradictions and hysterical bits that oft go overlooked.

Am I trying to soften the tone on a topic wrought with collective pain and misunderstanding? Not really. I get why people become emotional when race is raised in discussion. But let's be real ... there's some truly weird racial shit out there.

Plus, after this happened ... and this ... AND THIS, this stuff is damn near everywhere.

Such an unprecedented event threw all the country's (possibly outdated) perceptions of race issues into a tizzy. So this is perfect time to start re-examining our notions of race, I think. Just so happens it's also the perfect time for me to showcase my extremely rusty writing skills, in case I wind up in the freelance market (it's just one component of a multi-faceted plan).

This is a space to spark discussion among progressive-minded folks of various backgrounds. Hopefully I'll be able to eek out enough time to present topics in depth so the two people who'll follow this can walk around dropping knowledge at cocktail parties.

Also, please keep the vitriol to a minimum. It makes me ... uncomfortable (*shudders*).

With that, welcome.

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